Saturday, April 29, 2006

My cAr Posting

yeah.. this time.. i will only put up photos of my care that has been re-modded.. ekekeke

1. skimming the bottom engine body
2. clean and grinned the engine body
3. 4G93P engine layout
4. 5 Zigen (actual pronounsation Go Zigen)
5. tada, dah siap (eh,blom.. haha)

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Cakap Belakang..

ok.. dah lama sgt aku tak update blog aku neh.. so hari nie.. aku update la sket..
jadi la.. dari takdak langsung..

penah dengaq, kawan makan kawan, cakap belakang, depan baik belakang setan? tuh lebey kurang perumpamaan laa.. pasaq punya bahasa..
yang aku nak tekankan hari ni adalah, cakap belakang..

biasa laa.. manusia, sembang deraih.. bab ckp belakang neh, dh byk kali sangat aku kena.. bkn aku tak pueh hati ka apa ka.. tp aku rasa terkilan la, member sendri ckp kat blakang, menda buruk lak tu.. tatau betoi ka dak.. cam2 laa.. aku bkn nak marah.. tp kalau tak pueh hati ngan aku, ada rasa aku buat tak kena kat hampa, bgtau.. buat apa nak sorok2.. rugi.. ckp depan2 dgn aku.. bkn aku nak marah ka, nak makan ka.. kita clear all thing, btoi dak?

tuh apa la yg aku rasa.. takmau la tambah lebih.. biaq pi la... cuma luahan terkilan dan kekesalan kat hati aku ja, tak syok laa.. kawan- kawan sendri jugak..

ok.. ciao..

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Arissa (Part 2)

Jam telah menunjukkan pukul 11.00 malam. "Mana Arissa ni, awat tak balik-balik lagi," dengus hatiku. "Malam dah lambat dah neh, takkan la kerja tak habih lagi kot?". Sambil menunggu Arissa pulang, aku menonton televisyen. Ntah cerita apa yang aku tgk, aku sendiri tak pasti. Ku tukar channel sesuka hati. Tiada rancangan yang menarik minat aku langsung. Balik-balik, bola bola bola. Nak muntah aku tengok. "Sia-sia aku bayar duit Sastro sampai RM 200 sebulan."

Sedang aku menunggu kepulangan Arissa dari pejabatnya, aku melemparkan pandangan aku jauh ke sudut rumah aku. Ternampak sawang-sawang yang dah lama bersarang. "Nampak sangat aku dah tak lama cuci rumah, kaghut sungguh..", detik hatiku. Ye la, mana taknya, aku sibuk ngan kerja bersepah kat pejabat, dengan projek dekat Sudan dan Arab Saudi tuh, ada saja kena keluar. Arissa pun sama juga, sibuk dengan projek terbaru di Australia. Masing-masing sibuk dengan urusan masing-masing. Tetapi, setiap hari, kami akan hubungi satu sama lain, tidak boleh dipisahkan lama-lama. Lagi lama aku pandang sarang labah-labah tuh, lagi serabut fikiran aku yang dah sedia serabut ni, "Adoi laa, time neh la nak banyak masalah..", rungutku lagi. Tiba-tiba dalam kekusutan yang amat itu, aku terkenangkan Arissa. Jauh di sudut hati ini, amat merinduinya.

Arissa, anak aku, yang aku besarkan sendiri. Tanpa kasih sayang seorang insan yang bernama 'IBU'. Aku tatang bagaikan minyak yang penuh. Dari tapak kakinya yang sekecil-kecil jari aku, sehingga sekarang, menjadi seorang insan yang berjaya dalam hidup. Seorang wanita yang cukup tegas pendiriannya, tidak mudah putus asa. Segala kemahuannya aku turuti, namun dia tidak pernah besar kepala dan tidak pernah mendatang sebarang masalah kepada aku. Dia mentaati aku, sebagai ayahnya. Tidak pernah melawan atau meninggikan suara kepada orang yang lebih tua dan kepada datuk dan neneknya. Aku cukup menyayanginya dan aku bersyukur memiliki Arissa sebagai anak. Namun, Arissa jua telah menyebabkan aku menjadi bingung, serba salah. Dia juga telah mengaburkan pemikiran aku sejak beberapa hari yang lepas.

Lima hari lepas, aku berehat-rehat dengan Arissa dia kawasan rumah. Lanskap halaman rumah tersebut dilakarkan sendiri oleh Arissa, dan dia juga sendiri menghiasi dan menjaga halaman itu. Terdapat sebuah kolam ikan, ala-ala rumah seperti Jepun. Sebuah pondok kecil tempat aku dan Arissa selalu menghabiskan masa waktu petang sambil bersembang tentang perkembangan semasa dan juga menyuarakan masalahnya. Dari kecil lagi Arissa suka bermain di situ. Aku lihat Arissa seperti resah dan gelisah. Seperti ada sesuatu yang tidak kena pada dirinya. Dia ingin seoalah-olah menyatakan sesuatu kepada aku, tetapi tidak kesampaian. Aku seperti dapat membaca kekalutan yang terpancar dari wajah Arissa. Aku sudah masak dengan sikapnya itu, selama 23 tahun aku membesarkannya, segala isi hatinya dapat aku baca sedikit demi sedikit.

Lalu, aku bertanyakan kepada Arissa, "Arissa, awat dengan Arissa hari nih, macam ada yang tak kena ja, habaq la kat papa..", aku cuba mengorek rahsia. "Eh, tadak apa-apa la papa, Arissa ok saja, takdak apa yang tak kena aih. Tengok neh, sehat ja Arissa," sambil mengangkat tangan mengajuk seperti orang bina badan. "Ala Arissa, nak tipu papa, tak dapat laa. Kalau nak tipu orang lain boleh la, atuk ka, nenek ka. Ni papa Arissa, nak gebang kot mana pun tak lepaih, sipi-sipi pun takdak," aku mengorek sambil membuat lawak bodoh. Arissa tergelak dengan alasan aku, "Apa la papa neh, watpa Arissa nak gebang papa, bukan dapat duit pun. Kalau atuk atau nenek, lain cerita. Depa percaya cakap Arissa, tuh yang syok tuh.". "Amboi-amboi, syok no gebang atuk ngan nenek. Dah dah, Arissa cakap la apa yang Arissa nak bagitau papa, papa dengaq," ujarku.

"Err..", suara Arissa seperti tersekat-sekat. "Come on dear, this is your papa whose you talking to, not anyone else, ok?". "Erm, sebenarnya, Arissa dan Daniel, kami...". Aku membiarkan saja dia senyap, biar dia fikir apa yang dia hendak katakan. Suara Arissa seperti terketar-ketar, seolah-olah seperti hendak memberitahu perkara buruk. "Arissa dan Daniel, kami..Kami nak berkahwin papa.". Aku seperti dipanah kilat dengan serta-merta. Jantung aku bagaikan berhenti mengepam darah, seluruh tubuhkan seram sejuk. "Papa.. papa...? Papa ok ka dak? Jangan buat Arissa takut papa..". "Papa ok, cuma terkejut apa yang Arissa habaq tadi. Tatau la pulak Arissa nak kahwin. Daniel pun tak dak bagitau apa-apa kat papa.". Arissa terdiam, mungkin dia takut atau berasa bersalah. "Arissa minta maaf papa, buat papa terkejut tergempaq. Arissa sendiri pun tak tau macam mana nak cakap kat papa, maafkan Arissa papa.". "Isk, it's ok dear. Papa tak marah kat Arissa pun. Papa tumpang syok lagi ada laa..", aku cuba menyembunyikan perasaan gugup aku.

Tiba-tiba, aku dikejutkan oleh bunyi pintu pagar rumahku terbuka. Aku berjalan ke arah tingkap dan menyelak langsir berwarna biru muda yang menutupi rumah aku dari dilihat dari luar. Aku nampak kereta BMW 3 series bewarna hitam gelap Arissa bergerak masuk ke dalam kawasan rumah. Kereta yang aku belikan semperna hari jadinya yang ke-22 dan konvokesyen Arissa tahun lalu. "Dah balik dah Arissa," bisik hati kecilku.

"Assalamualaikum, papa!". "Hah, Arissa. Terkejut papa, ingatkan sapa la nak pekena papa tadi. Takpun pencuri mana rembat harta menda papa.". "Hehe, tadak la papa. Arissa la yang masuk nak rompak papa, tapi dah lama dah Arissa rompak papa, hati papa tuh, Arissa dah curi," sambil mencium tanganku dan memelukku dari belakang. "Awat Arissa balik lambat hari ni, banyak sangat ka kerja Arissa?", tanyaku. "Banyak gak la papa, jenuh hari neh Arissa dok buat kerja. Penat la..". "Arissa dah makan ka? Dah semayang ka blom?", tanyaku. "Dua-dua dak lagi," dengan selamber Arissa jawap. "Dah, Arissa pi mandi ngan semayang. Papa dah masak lauk feveret Arissa, ikan sweet sour.". "Yeah, sayang papa..", ujar Arissa. "Ha ha, papa pun sayangkan Arissa, tuh papa masak kat Arissa tuh.". "Arissa pi semayang ngan mandi dulu,ok?", sambil berlalu ke tingkat atas ke biliknya.

Feel free to read Arissa blog. Click here!

Friday, April 21, 2006

Arissa (Part 1)

Aku resah, tak tentu arah menunggu doktor keluar dari bilik pembedahan. Aku rasakan ini semua salah aku. Aku yang menyebabkan Arissa jadi begini. Aku telah bersalah dan berdosa pada Arissa.

Dalam bilik pembedahan, doktor senang bertungkus lumus menyelamatkan Arissa. Bermacam-macam jenis alatan dan wayar disambungkan ke badan Arissa. ECG menunjukkan bacaan degupan jantung, normal. Nadi Arissa juga normal. Di luar, aku ditenangkan oleh kawan-kawan baikku, Yoda dan Kai. "Aku bersalah pada Arissa, Yoda, Kai. Aku tak sangka perkara buruk seperti ini akan berlaku". Kai cuba menenangkan ku, begitu juga dengan Yoda. "Sabarlah Ned, benda dah nak jadi. Hang tak tahu benda ni akan berlaku. Semuanya telah ditakdirkan oleh Allah. Hang tak boleh nak lawan", kata Yoda dalam loghat utara yang pekat.

Yoda dan Kai, antara dua kawan baik aku yg cukup rapat. Kami berkawan sejak bangku universiti lagi. Yoda, seorang pemegang ijazah sarjana muda kejuruteraan mekanikal dan sarjana kejuruteraan petroluem yang kini bekerja sebagai senior manager di PETRONAS Carigali, Kuala Lumpur. Kai, pemegang ijazah sarjana muda kejuruteraan elektrik dan elektronik serta sarjana dalam kejuruteraan petroluem. Dia bekerja sebagai konsultan di salah sebuah syarikat minyak yang terkemuka dia ibu negara, Sapura Crest. Aku juga memiliki ijazah kejuruteraan seperti mereka, dan bekerja sebagai senior project manager syarikat minyak, Murphy Oil, KLCC.

Tanda lampu di bilik pembedahan telah dipadamkan. Aku serta Yoda dan Kai bergegas mendapatkan doktor. "Bagaimana dengan Arissa, Siti?". Ya, doktor yang mejalankan pembedahan tersebut bernama Siti Hasmah, sepupu ku. Dia telah berjaya menjadi salah seorang pakar bedah terkemuka. "Firdaus, sabarlah," dia menenangkan aku. Di kalangan sepupu-sepupuku, aku dipanggil Firdaus. Jauh bezanya dari kawan-kawan aku yang memanggil aku Ned atau Keci. "Arissa tak da apa-apa. Dia dah selamat. Aku dah berjaya menghentikan pendarahan dalamamnya. Syukur la, tiada organ yang penting cedera teruk.". Aku mengucap kesyukuran, sambil menarik nafas panjang.

Ya, anakku yang cedera parah dalam kemalangan, Raja Nur Arissa Saffiyyah. Dia kemalangan disebabkan aku. Semuanya salah aku. Aku telah menghancurkan segala-galanya. Maafkan papa Arissa, papa bersalah, papa terlalu sayangkan Arissa, tapi papa juga menyebabkan Arissa jadi begini.

Thursday, April 20, 2006


hehehe.. ok.. kali neh aku tulih dlm bahasa melayu.. tak larat nak type english.. (dah taip separuh,tp tak jd.. hahaha :p )

post kali neh, pasal kebakaran yg berlaku kat umah fellow V3, 2 tingkat bawah umah aku, iaitu tingkat bawah.. pjg tol description.. ngahahahha..
kejadian ini berlaku dlm pukul 1.30 pg td, time tgh kusyuk aku, unta and yayi men ro.. dak2 len aku tatau, sembang2 kot.. then, tetiba ada dak menjerit, "Terbakar, umah fellow terbakar..", aku memula ingat main2 laa.. aku panjat meja, tgk bawah.. uish.. ada asap, ingat ada dak wat bbq, pastu ada ckp kat irc, "umah fellow terbakar,btol laa.. tak tipu..". pastu aku ngan dak2 umah aku bergegas ke bawah, nak tlg.. jep, bawak hos dari depan umah aku sampai bawah... sampai2 jer, dak foreigner dah tembak CO2 kering.. tak padam agik, then aku trus buka kepala paip and sembur dlm umah fellow tuh..

aku ngan fellow duk di barisan hadapan, sanggup mati katak.. sbb aper?? sbb time sembur air tuh, meletup2 mendalah kat dlm tuh.. tatau apa menda.. cuak gak takut mati katak kena natang apa la nnt.. padam punya padam, dekat 20 minit gak ler..
dak2 lain tgh seronok, sbb aku soh diorang pecahkan tingkap, asap xleh nak kuar.. bilik terkurung.. pastu, aku tak sedar tgn aku luka kena kaca, terbenam dlm ibu jari.. nak dijadikan citer, pakgad dtg serbu and tetiba soh kitorang blah, huk eleh.. org dah tlg padam, nak kecah2.. blah laaa.. wahahahah

aku sampai nak muntah2 sedut asap api and CO2 tuh.. adeh...

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

movies reviews..

ok... its been a while since i last updated my blog.. hehehe.. sorry for the long waiting... been a bit busy lately... *sigh...

for this post, i will update and put two movie reviews... well, just a post.. maybe later on tonite i will put an e-novel (most probably..)

for the first movie... WATER SPIRIT
this movie is a horror yet rated (U) in malaysia.. i guess it's not that horror.. (IT'S TRUE...)

The vengeful spirit of a tortured nun goes on a killing spree as she carries out her revenge on a group of girls who had wronged her. The remaining girls reunite and visit the old boarding school in attempt to somehow put a stop to the nun's madness. well, the nun was a psychopath that always wanted to clear their sins. she was so vengeful up until the girls hated her..

one day, one of the girls was tested positive with pragnency test kit and the nun found out.. she was so angry and keep on saying that she will clear that girl's sins by herself.. while was trying to torture the girl, the others found out and hit the nun from behind.. she was dead coz of her cranium was smashed badly and led into internel bleeding..

years after that, one by one, the girls (now women) was killed by the nun's spirit.. and the daughter, whose mum sins were tried to be cleared by the nun found out what was happening.. and she flew to spain, where her mum studied and harrased by the nun.. will she be able to stop it? hehehe.. see for your self...
my rating, 2.5/5

next movie.. WHEN A STRANGER CALLS..

this story is about a high school student that have been grounded by her parents because her overusage of mobile phone.. the girl, named Jill is sent to a Dr house on top of a hill where she had to babysit 2 kids while the couple when to a dinner and watching movie.. after a while, she got a called from one of her friends and prank her over the phone.. she was so pissed off and shocked...

later on that night, she got a called from a total stranger and keep on asking her about the children.. the game goes on up until she was terrifed and called the police.. the police couldn't do anything since there is no prove and only prank calls were reported.. so, the police said that they will try and trace the called but she had to keep that guys talking for at least 60 secs (standard procedure for tracing a call) and using GPS system.. and the guy kept on calling and asking, "have you checked the children lately?".. and "how's the children doing?"..

after she manage to get that guy talking for 60 seconds, the police eventually notify her the calls are coming from inside the house.. she was so terrified and struggle to save the kids and herself.. will she be ok? will she survived from the seriel killer?
my rating, 4/5

Thursday, April 13, 2006

my Wish LisT

ok.. since today is my birthday, i'm opening a new book, new story... new life.. thanx to my frens that support me till now, you know who you are.. no need to mention it.. especially my rummie, unta who kept me alive up until now, even thou he didnt open my blog at all... (mmg pun.. aku jer duk buka blog hang.. kaghut sungguh..)

this is my wish list:

1. i wanna be strong and steady in my life
2. i wanna have a baby gurl named raja nur arissa saffiyyah, even thou em not married
3. i wanna have a successful carier in my life
4. i wanna have a masters degree in the near future, (hopefully soon enuff..)
5. i wanna have a Ph.D, but thats later on
6. i wanna take care my baby, (my GTi lor..) as good as i can
7. .......
8. .......

too many wishes... hehehe.. other, i just leave it to your imagination..

ok.. today's task.. hhehe.. (balik2 ckp pasal keje,kan?).. but this is quite funny and dangerous..
yesterday, i used the server to surf the internet and to log in into the google talk..(i recommend this for office use :P ).. i use my thumbdrive to copy the installer and install it in the server.. ok, enuff for that part...
then, i reset the server to restart it at 6 A.M daily, this due to the unstable and heavy load on the software itself.. and preventing from the server hang.. which later on, i will be bombarded with sms'es from the students, pity me ehh?

this morning when i came to work, enter the server room and i was shocked.. the server couldnt boot.. waddaheck, i said to myself.. i saw the viasat (satellite modem), pfSense (internet server) and other things are working fine.. then i switched on the light, open the door of the server rack.. and i was laughing at myself... i left the thumbdrive at the USB port.. wohooo~~... that's why it cant boot since the pc/server wannabe trying to boot from there.. haiya.. need to change the boot sequence.. hehe.. and em lucky enuff to survive this stupid yet funny thing as em not being sms'ed by the students.. hehehe..

so, here i put up the pics where i surf the internet in my car, outside the server room... range around 50-70 metres away.. ehehe.. god i like this technology even thou i quite sometimes hate it :P...


Happy Birthday To Me~

Today is my birthday.. thank to all that wishes me and remembered me.. tq..

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

here i come~

i'm back.. after a while..
today, i'm gonna story about something that happened during last weekend..

on saturday, i was waiting the perfect timing to go back to my hometown with my beloved rummie, unta..
after i finished packing up, i received a call from the project manager, the was mumbling and yet very angry.. i dunno why and what's the problem.. i asked him what had happened, then he said that the students in UitM is calling and complaining to him that they cant access the internet, even the login page.. i asked him weather they can get ip address or not.. and he say dont know.. and i said to myself, waddahel... let out every single word like pissing of to someone who doesnt know how to do their work and stupid..
i told him that i want to go back to my hometown, then wanna take a leave on monday coz on tuesday, we are or the whole malaysia have their public holiday.. then he somehow yelled at me and tell me that i cant go back at all until the next month, when UiTM is in hibernating session for the students..
then he asked me to go to the uitm and cancelled off all my plans for today and for the next 4 days.. sigh.. all and off.. i have to follow the order since i worked with them.. so when i go to UiTM, i check the signal, and yet there is nothing.. its weird.. then, i check the feeder pillar, yesza, the ELCB had tripped.. i my best guess it that the lightning had caused this last night.. hehe.. no wonder they cant access the internet.. hehe.. ok.. settle that part..

after that, me and unta planned to go to ipoh and shopped.. haha.. actually, its not shopping laaa.. but somehow, just wasting my time with my rummie at ippo since we got nothing to do.. fes, we stopped at jusco and ate at Johnny's.. the pic will be shown below.. hehehe.. then we went to gerbang malam... there.. i bought some nice but no price eh.. hehe.. well... i got a lot more to tell.. but dunno how to jot it down.. :)

maybe i will update this later on...

p/s: time aku tulih neh, rumet aku UNTA.. melepaskan gas beracun, silent noise but deadly.. arghh....

Monday, April 10, 2006

The Wonderful and Bitterful Days

yoh.. hishashiburi dana..

it's been a while since i updated my blog.. i'm too bz with work.. got scolded by the project manager.. users that
harrising me.. calling me now and then.. no time to spend alone, no frens to mingle with, only my best and true fren,
unta, the roomate that i appreciate so much..

many things that have been going on and happened during the past week.. wonderful moments, sad moments.. all of it happened
in blink of an eye.. i dont know wether this post will be long or short.. all i can think of is, i wanna express all my feeling throught out this
post.. share everything (but not all.. :p)..

last sunday, i went to one of my frens wedding, such a nice and wonderful moments for them, i appreciate them and i hope they will live happily ever after.. come to think of it, when will i get married, when will i get the chance to enjoy the moments that they had just now.. all good and bad things will be shared, ups and downs of life.. all of it.. wedding, such a nice and wonderful moment it is... when i think bout it, it made me sad.. really² sad, coz there is no moment for me.. rite now... ok.. stop talking bout this moody hanky panky stuff..

then, later that day, i went out with my colleagus, me, maggot and xr (otai goreng gitar..).. we went to salim, kari kepala ikan.. huhu.. driving all the way from tronoh to ipoh just to eat there.. demmit.. haha.. so we went there and eat the food.. err.. what to talk about eating eh.. i guess nothing.. hahaha.. well, just stated here.. :)

ok.. after that, we went back to utp then i got a call from khalid, one of the committe that decided who will win the MAKK awards on 6th of April, that is on Thursday night.. he said to me that i had to come to the V2 cafe to snap a picture of mine that will be placed in the montage that will be shown at that night as a nominee.. i say, ok then i go.. then he kept asking me to go to dinner coz there is no one will take the price for me if i won.. think bout it, coz it only costs me RM 20 cos i'm a nominee, so waddehel... i just go..

thursday night, the time has come for me to go to the dinner.. i went there with my lil sister, ena.. and 2 of her frens, they want a lift, so i gave them a lift.. so when i arrived at syuen, the event had already started, but at least, i can feel how important people walk on red carpet.. them feel so great.. like a vvip... :)
then we had our dinner.. there is a lot of things to be eaten.. and its nice.. i ate up until three plate of rice.. where everyone else at my table only ate one plate.. waddehel they are thinking? you pay nearly RM45, but only ate one plate.. such a waste, but not for me dude.. not for me.. hell, what do i care bout people thinked about me that ate 3 plates of rice in a formal dinner, i pay, not free.. the pictures of the food n me with my lil sista~~

then, the time has come to announce the winner of the best student in V3.. the showed the montage, the other two candidates faces are up and above me, and i'm in the middle.. then the MC announced it... "and the winner goes to...." they say another person name.. but suddenly, @ the montage, there was my face.. i've won, for the first time in UTP.. then, why the hell the called another person... then, i thought that i'm not the student nemore in UTP, but as an ex senior.. everybody was wondering, why.. coz my name and face stated in the montage but other person took the price.. so, after a few minutes, people start sms'ing me and talking to me, why didnt i go up and take the price? i won, but other people went up to the stage...
after a while, i talked to meor, the person who in charge of v3, i asked him y.. then he said that i really won, but he had to make the decision to let it go to the junior since there were fcuking solihuddin the registrar, the person who made my life miserable up until now.. that the only reason, if not cause of him, they will let me go up to the stage.. unlucky me.. but, i feel appreciated to people who actually voted me.. THANX, i'm nobody without you guys.. and to the person who won, congratulations.. well done..

i'm a bit sad, but happy at the same time... happy i won, sad coz i cant take the price.. pity me..

i guess, this is what i can came out for this post.. will update to you by tomorrow.. see ya later...

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Blogging for nothing

i'm blogging for today.. wasting my shit out... erkk.. i mean time..
so, today i went to work normally, without any hard feelings that have occured last night..
formatting my brain to forget just everything about UiTM case... file name UiTM_shit.mbm (my brain memory format).. deleted..

new day for the work nothing had happened... bla bla bla..
i'm just blogging to release my tension at work and about some personal thingy...

so.. just now i was back from ipoh and i saw an accident, quite drastic but i'm too late to watch everything, just got a few picture..

well, i guess this i all for today.. cya laterzz...