Wednesday, March 29, 2006

One day has been taken

Finally, after a day have been spent with by beloved pc.. my brain has gone insane..
inspired by Dila and Unta, i've been working on my template since this late afternoon..

well, here's the result of brainstorming with my pc and unta.. i guess it should be ok, other than choosing the blue colour..
don't think that i'm gurly ok? ahaha.. just suit me well, and plus the wallpaper that i've choosen.. quite nice i guess..
hmm... what else i can say.. yeah..

Credits to:

-My pc for powering up and 100% usage of CPU for making this css
- Zul aka Yoda aka Unta, my roomate that has done the background dimmer
- Jep, my housemate for typing the kanji writing (Japanese writing)
- adik^shinoda, for commenting and giving the ideas how to improve it since this css has been published

many thanks to you guys..

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